Thursday, March 26, 2020

Best Websites For Algebra Help

Best Websites For Algebra HelpIf you want to learn advanced algebra and beyond, you will have to locate the best websites for algebra help. The beauty of the Internet is that there are a variety of free resources online. As a matter of fact, there are so many resources online, it is not uncommon to spend an entire day on the Internet just looking for the exact 'things' you are looking for. I am certain you are going to be able to find the type of information you are searching for.You will want to find websites that are very useful for these types of topics. Make sure that the site that you are going to be searching for is not flooded with ads for various products that you will not even need or desire. If it is filled with ads for 'addict' products and non-products, you may as well close your browser and never return to it again.Remember that these algebra websites are the best source of knowledge. You do not have to pay anything to get the best knowledge. However, you will probably b e charged a fee to access some of the online material. However, it is possible to get a good deal online.If you have an associate's degree and a valid driving record from a distance learning school, you may be able to gain credit for your 'work' by simply taking an online course. You will be required to write a final exam to prove that you have actually learned the material. You will receive a letter of completion for your effort, which will help you to qualify for a teaching credential.There are numerous colleges and universities that will offer online courses that are aimed toward teaching the fundamentals of algebra. You do not need to take an expensive course. Take online courses that will help you learn algebra.When choosing a course, be sure to choose an online one, as it will be much easier to learn and it will be more affordable. The training is delivered in real time, so you can learn at your own pace. You will be able to study and take classes online. This is a great way t o do a job of allocating your free time and expenses to your training.It is important to look for algebra websites that are worth your time and money. I have provided links below for you to get you started. Before you buy any expensive course, be sure to check the testimonials and reviews for a cost-effective solution.

Friday, March 6, 2020

English Listening Exercise Why I Think this World should End

English Listening Exercise Why I Think this World should End This weeks video is about a musician/philosophers opinion about why this world should end. It is a great video with a lot of difficult phrasal verbs. This is a good way to learn how to use the phrasal verbs and how to form an opinion in English. In addition our grammar highlight for the week is on the word so Can you count how many times in the video he uses the word so?English Listening Exercise:1. The world is ______  to an ______.2. We cant live with each other __ everyone is medicated.3. More people want 15 seconds of ______ than a lifetime of _______ and ________.4. ____ percent of songs on the radio are about sex.5. How much television does the average person watch per day?6. Yet we tell our kids ______ get that degree.7. Corporations tell us buy, buy, buy, you must ____ __ you must ____ __.8. What is his solution?9. The _____ to a new beginning starts within you.10. How many times did he use so? Do you understand how to use it? You can watch the video:Writing: Do you agree wit h Prince Ea? What is your opinion about the state of the world? Like always Ill correct your answers.Also, try this quiz on the word so.

Why Individualized Tutoring is More Effective Than Group Tutoring

Why Individualized Tutoring is More Effective Than Group Tutoring Youve seen several red flags, including a decline in grades and a poor report card. Maybe your child has asked you for homework help but you can tell your child has big skill gaps and you feel unequipped to help him or her close them. If you know your child could benefit from the help of a tutor, your next decision is what type of setting is going to be most effective: a one-to-one or group tutoring setting? At Huntington, we are proponents of individualized tutoring for students for a variety of reasons: One-to-one tutoring programs are customized for each students needs. In a one-to-one tutoring session, the teacher determines what to cover based on the students specific needs and goals. The curriculum is designed to address each students challenges. Sessions are built specifically around the student. Students cant get lost in the crowd. Just like in a classroom with many students, students in a larger group tutoring session can fade into the background by avoiding asking questions or engaging the teacher. Not so in an individualized tutoring program. Students get the help they need because they are the sole focus. The programs scale according to students growth. Because an individual tutoring session is designed around each students areas of weakness, theres no risk of students getting left behind. Tutors will not move ahead to a new concept without ensuring their students master the essential building block skills first. Students learn more than just school skills. A quality subject tutoring program focuses on more than the academic skills your child needs for success. At Huntington, for example, we strive to help students boost their self-esteem and turn around any negative feelings they might have about school. Our goal is to help students become motivated self-starters who are confident in their abilities. Signs its time for tutoring So, when should you call Huntington? When the grades have fallen, of course, but here are several other signs your child needs personal tutoring help: Your child lacks study skills. Watch for sloppy or incomplete notes from class and a haphazard approach to nightly homework. Take note if your child seems to make things harder on him or herself by succumbing to distractions or failing to set up good habits during homework and studying. Homework takes way too long. Tasks that you know should be quick take a long time because your child gets distracted or easily confused. Observe how your child spends his or her time and how long it takes to get going when he or she sits down to do work. Your child doesnt care. If your child once enjoyed school and now seems lazy and apathetic about the idea of learning, there might be something going on behind the scenes. Theres a reason for that lack of effort. You need to find out what it is. Your childs typical nightly routine: avoid. If procrastination and avoidance have become the nightly norm, your child is probably be struggling with school material. Avoidance is easier than slogging through something difficult or asking for help. Call 1-800 CAN LEARN to learn more about Huntingtons one-to-one student tutoring plans. We work with children of all ages to identify and target their areas of weakness so they can get back on track in school.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Tutoring and Homeschooling Is Booming in the UAE

Tutoring and Homeschooling Is Booming in the UAE On June 22nd I blogged on why Georgias Black Families Replace Schools With Tutors. The short answer to this question was: While most states prohibit homeschooling parents from tutoring anybody except their own children, Georgia has no such restriction. Remember? Today, I am continuing this topic I was surprised and happy to learn that the booming of homeschooling is not only a phenomenon observed at home in the US but also a worldwide trend. For example, in 2014 the United Arabic Emirates (UAE) reported 4,000 students were officially home-schooled a number that is likely much higher, for it only includes students who are above age 15. 4 Reasons For The Tutoring and Homeschooling Boom In The UAE The number one reason of the rise of tutoring is simply the fact that there exist little legislative restrictions on homeschooling. Parents in the UAE are free to tutor their children. Interestingly, this micro trend in freedom of education reflects the larger trend in increased personal and economic freedom available to citizens of the UAE. The libertarian Canadian think thank Fraser Institute anally publishes a ranking of counties. In 2014, the UAE ranked 5th of the countries in the world in terms of economic freedom; a ranking higher than most Western countries (The US ranks 16, the UK 11th, Germany 29th). The second reason for the tutoring boom is the rising costs of schooling in the UAE. Traditionally, women stay at home for child-rearing and house-holding. Now that household technology has eased these tasks women do find the time to home-school their own kids and often that of their neighbors as well. The teaching of unfamiliar subjects is typically left to tutors. Reason #3: Governmental schools focus on scholastic subjects. Not so in Homeschooling. It enables parents to teach practical subjects such as cooking, household responsibilities, buying groceries and organizing parties. Reason #4. Some parents decided to pull their children out of the public schools because they are killing the childrens interesting in learning. In the UAE kids often complain that hey just sit around and learn nothing new or interesting. More details can be obtained from the UAE magazine The National who published an the article Why are more parents in the UAE are homeschooling their children. Too bad that does not yet offer tutoring in the UAE. But we are eager to expand our service to the UAE, a rich country with the right attitude towards tutoring!

Exams are approaching - top 5 revision tips - Tutor Hunt Blog

Exams are approaching - top 5 revision tips Exams are approaching - top 5 revision tips Exams are approaching - top 5 revision tipsSecondary SchoolsIt`s that dreaded time of year once again - for thousands of pupils across the country, the exams that were safely far away in the future are now are very real and immediate prospect. The GCSE and A-Level tests are fast approaching! Indeed, they are just over the horizon, and coming closer with each passing day. It`s revision season - all the knowledge amassed over the last 2 years must be revivified, and made immediately accessible to the mind. Pupils need to have everything they have learnt ready and at their fingertips; two years of learning distilled into a two hour exam. But what are the best ways to ensure you make the best use of the study time left? Should you cram nonstop, reading textbooks during every waking moment? Should you obtain audio files for your subjects, and listen to them while you are asleep? probably not, but here are a few things you can try to get the most out of your revision schedule: 1. Be clear what you specifically need to revise for This is vitally important - you don`t want to waste precious time studying up on topics that have no chance of being in the test. Try to obtain a copy of your subject syllabus, and consult any exercise books from the past year. The syllabus will clearly specify which topics you will be examined on, and your exercise books will show you how your teacher set out to teach parts of the syllabus. 2. Construct a revision timetable If you don`t organise your time you may fall into the trap of spending the most of your revision schedule on the subjects you enjoy the most, which will probably mean you waste precious days and weeks on parts of the syllabus you already have a good understanding of. First of all work out which parts of each subject you need to do the most work on, and make sure you apportion the majority of your time to these areas. Work out how many hours each week you can give to your revision - if you are allocated study time at school make sure you include this in your plan, along with time after school and at weekends. It may seem that the next few months of your life will be nothing but revision, but the next section will assuage that fear! 3. Ensure you take regular breaks No one is able to read and study non stop for hours on end - even the most studious individual will reach a point where their brain will be unable to assimilate any more information, unless they are permitted to take a well earned break. The danger is though that once `recess` times are permitted, the student will take them whenever the going gets though. Struggling to understand a particular part of calculus… time to take a break! getting tired of all these irregular french verbs… time to take another break! Without a good structural plan to the revision timetable the student may well reflexively take a break just at the very point where they are struggling with something difficult. For this reason break times should be written into the revision schedule, with a 15 minute interim every two hours or so. 4. Seek out videos online to help These days there is such an abundance of online video educational content, be it from students themselves helping share their knowledge in an approachable way, to world famous lecturers from prestigious schools and universities all around the world. Many students can be mentally fatigued by studying the endless pages of their textbooks - videos can make learning come alive, and the right online teacher may engage the student, and help them understand concepts they previously couldn`t come to grips with. 5. Obtain past papers A student may have a thorough and in depth knowledge of their subject, but unless they are able to apply and express their comprehension under exam conditions their true capabilities will not be reflected in their grade. For this reason students should actually practice taking exams, in order that, when the day comes, they are not intimidated and anxious, and can perform to the best of their abilities. Past papers can be easily obtained from the respective subject`s syllabus - the student should sit some of these exams under the same strict conditions they will have to adhere to when they take the real exam. This will allow them to become acclimatised to exam pressures, while also allowing them to calculate their own `predicted grade,` and identify any areas they need to study up on. 9 months ago0Add a Comment

Coping with culture shock while teaching overseas

Coping with culture shock while teaching overseas Many of those who teach abroad will experience some degree of culture shock. Moving to a new and often different cultural environment makes the feeling of culture shock a very normal and real psychological phenomenon.With any move comes natural stressors, but relocating abroad presents a whole crop of new challenges: a different local language, new customs, new manners, and cultural norms. It’s typical to find yourself in a social situation where you’re not sure what is the right thing to do or say. And while coping with these stresses can initially be clouded with the “honeymoon phase” of travel, eventually an adjustment phase kicks in. This adjustment is what is known as culture shock.What causes culture shockThe onset of culture shock varies from person to person - it can be anywhere from a couple of weeks to six months. The initial three months are often characterized as the honeymoon phase, where new cultural phenomenons might intrigue and delight more than upset. Everyt hing seems new and exciting. But internally, our bodies are really dealing with physiological stress: lack of control, understanding new social norms, and perhaps difficulties in communicating. Trying to decipher how to respond properly in these situations can be exhausting and overstimulating.  Culture shock symptomsCulture shock can manifest in many ways, and can appear as fleeting feelings or can last for weeks. But indulging these feelings can lead to unhealthy behavior such as over- or under-eating, or serious sadness or depression. Watch for the following symptoms during your first few months:HomesicknessSadness/loneliness/hopelessnessBoredomAversion to social interaction, or withdrawing from local relationships and communicating only with family at homeSleeping and eating too muchStereotyping or an increased tendency to think badly of local culture and peopleUncontrollable emotions (like crying over seemingly anything)Constantly comparing your home country to your placement countryThe symptoms of culture shock can come and go throughout your first year of teaching abroad.How to manage the effects of culture shockOne of the best ways to manage culture shock is to be aware of symptoms as they crop up. When you start to experience them, it’s important to tell yourself, “What I’m experiencing now is probably culture shock.” After acknowledging that you are experiencing culture shock, which is a very normal reaction to lots of change, you can take the following steps to overcome any of the symptoms:Reassure yourself that these feelings will eventually pass once you’ve settled.Take time to connect with yourself and honor your needs: keep busy with activities you enjoy, exercise regularly, develop a new hobby and set time aside for it each day.Dedicate some time to learning the local language to help overcome communication difficulties.Be easy on yourself: adjusting is hard work.Establish a daily routine that you stick to. Make sure to get lots of s leep and eat healthily.Make your apartment more comfortable with souvenirs from back home.Schedule time to indulge in a healthy dose of culture from your home country: listen to some music, watch one of your favourite movies, or eat your favourite dishes. These small things can help. And if you can, sharing some of your culture with local friends can provide some relief.Try to stop yourself from making cultural value judgments or comparisons with your home country.Most importantly: encourage yourself. Remind yourself of your reasons for going abroad in the first place. Each time culture shock symptoms show up, know that it’s just your body taking some time to adjust to everything that’s new. Eventually, you will feel more comfortable in your new country and these pangs of nostalgia and homesickness will be shorter and more controllable.Again, culture shock is normal: it isn’t a sign that you aren’t suited to teaching abroad, it’s a sign that you’re human and you’re wor king through a very natural process. Being aware of the fact that you will likely experience some degree of culture shock is a good way to combat serious side effects or symptoms.

How to travel the world and make money in 2020 by teaching English abroad (or online!)

How to travel the world and make money in 2020 by teaching English abroad (or online!) The new year has begun and, if you haven’t already, now is a great time to reflect on some New Year’s resolution ideas for 2020. For many of us, it’s all too tempting to fall back on resolutions focused on dieting or self-improvement. A much better plan is to make resolutions you’ll actually want to stick to that are based on things that enrich your life and bring you happiness. So, let’s talk more about a resolution that can do both: travel more this year! If this is already one of your resolutions you’ll be at no loss for travel inspo because Lonely Planet has already released its Best in Travel 2020 list and Travel and Leisure have rounded up 50 Best Places to Travel in 2020. But, of course, deciding where you want to go is the easy part. Figuring out how to get there can be a little more tricky. If you’re looking for a great way to tick travel destinations off your list this year, teaching English abroad might be the best option for you. Not only does teaching abroad allow you to travel the world but you can also continue to work and make money while you’re at it. With growing worldwide demand for English teachers, there are plenty of teaching positions available just about anywhere for new grads or certified teachers. When it comes to teaching English you have two options: you can either move to a new country to teach there or live the digital nomad life by teaching English online. So, keep scrolling for a step-by-step guide on how to make your 2020 travel dreams into a reality by teaching English abroad. How can you travel more and make money in 2020 by teaching English abroad? Get qualified by doing an online teacher certification course. Choose if you want to teach English abroad or online. Land a teaching job in a convenient location to where you want to travel. Grow your travel fund while working as a teacher. Take off on the travel adventure you’ve been dreaming of! 1. Complete a TEFL certification The first step towards teaching English abroad or online is getting qualified. If you have a university degree in education, you may already qualify for some jobs. But, if you don’t have oneor if you want to make your application stand out, you’ll need to get a teaching qualification to teach English as a foreign language (TEFL)in order to find teaching jobs abroad. With aBachelor’s degree (in any subject)getting a teaching certification is pretty simple. Holding a BA in any subject is the main entry criteria for any good TEFL certification course. Speaking of TEFL courses, a quick Google search will reveal there is no shortage of TEFL courses to choose from. So being mindful of your budget, learning style and the amount of time you have to dedicate to your TEFL course will help you choose the right TEFL course for you. Doing your TEFL certification online is the fastest and most afforableroute to getting an English teaching job abroad. Along with your bachelor’s degree, your TEFL certificate will qualify you to teach English as a foreign language in any country around the world. Online TEFL courses also offer a great amount of flexibility, so you’ll have plenty of time to work or plan your travels alongside studying. And if you’re keen to hit the road as soon as possible you can even get a TEFL certification online while you travel. 2. Decide if you want a teaching job abroad or online teaching job. Once you’re TEFL qualified you’ll be ready to start applying for English teaching jobs abroad. Next, you need to choose which route you’ll take. Would you rather commit to living in one place or do you want the freedom to move around? Let’s take a look at each choice a bit more! Option 1: Teach English Abroad in one place Finding a teaching job abroad normally means you’ll work in one location for one school. The process of finding a teach abroad job after you’re qualified can take around three months or more, depending on where you want to teach. You’ll spend anywhere from a few months to a year in one destination as an ESL teacher. That means you’ll have time to make local friends, learn the language and immerse yourself in the culture where you live. And travel-wise you’ll be able to visit destinations that are accessible from your new home base. Sign up to Teach Away today for access to the latest teaching jobs around the world. Option 2: Teach English online from anywhere with Wifi Choosing an online teaching job means you’re not tied to one location, as long as you have a good internet connection you can work from wherever you like. The process of finding an online teaching job after you’re qualified can take as little as two weeks. The obvious benefit of this is the huge amount of flexibility it offers. Your job will allow you to travel wherever you like, whenever you like, traveling the world and making money as you go. If you want to travel to a bunch of countries or don’t have a firm itinerary yet, this could be the best option for you. 3. If you decide to teach English abroad, get a job close to where you’d like to travel. If you already know you want a teaching job abroad, think carefully about choosing a destination that will place you within reach of all the places you want to visit. Luckily, living in one area for a longer period will mean you can travel extensively in the surrounding area, as well as having the time to fully enjoy the cultural experience where you live. So when choosing a destination, make sure to factor in all the travel experiences you could have nearby and how accessible that location is from airports and train stations. There are hundreds of teaching jobs all around the world available through our job board. To give you a little teaser of some of the top TEFL destinations abroad with the best proximity to hot travel spots, we’ve listed a few regions you may want to explore. Where’s the best place to teach English in Central America in 2020? If you’re interested in traveling in the Americas or in the Carribean, why not teach English in Mexico? While you’re there, make sure to visit luxury coastal paradise Baja Sur’s East Cape, ranked number 5 in Travel + Leisure’s 50 Best Places to Travel in 2020. Where’s the best place to teach English in the Middle East in 2020? Teaching in Dubai will give you great access to the Middle East, Europe and Africa. As Dubai is a travel hub it has plenty of quick connections to nearby destinations including Travel + Leisure’s number one travel destination Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, an emerging art and culture hot spot. Where’s the best place to teach English in Asia in 2020? If you want to explore Asia there are many great options to choose from! Teaching English in China means you can live in Travel + Leisure’s number seven destination, Beijing. Bhutan was named Lonely Planet’s best country to visit in 2020, which is easily accessible if you’re teaching English in Thailand. Beyond these locations, there are equally exciting opportunities to explore different corners of the continent by: Teaching English in Japan Teaching English in Korea Teaching in Taiwan 4. Save money for your travels while teaching English. One of the biggest advantages of teaching English abroad or online is that it allows you to make money to fund your travels while you’re overseas. If you decide to teach abroad in one location, this will probably mean that you build up a travel fund from your monthly salary. You can then use your savings to take short, local trips on the weekends, or larger trips during school holidays or after your contract ends. Of course, how far you can travel will depend on how much you earn. If you have ambitious travel plans to fund, take a look at the top countries to make the most money teaching abroad. If you are teaching English online you have two options to fund your travels: You could teach online from home to save up a travel fund. Then you can take short or long trips when you feel like you have enough money to fulfill your travel plans. You could make money while traveling by teaching English online. This is not a way to save money, but a way to fund your travels while you’re on the go, and a great option for people who want to travel but don’t have a travel fund saved up. It's also a great idea to look into it more practicallyby looking into your potentialearnings vs. expenses with either option. If online teaching sounds ideal, you can start bycalculatinghow much you can make teaching online before you plan your trip. Or if you're leaning more towards teaching abroad, don’t forget to check out living expenses in different countries to get an idea of how far your hard-earned cash will stretch while you’re on the road. 5. Plan your trip and live your travel dreams. Once you’ve worked out which kind of TEFL job best suits your travel plans, it’s time to start planning the details. First, you’ll need to get TEFL certified and start applying for jobs online. The best place to start is at the Teach Away job board where hundreds of teaching jobs abroad are posted regularly and you can filter by country or region. Once you’ve found a few jobs in your ideal location, think about your lifestyle preferences. Different schools may offer different salaries, vacation days and working hours. Think about what will work for you (and your travel plans) so you can find the best option for you. If you’re looking for online teaching jobs, it’s time to start working on a travel itinerary. Thinking about which destinations you want to visit will help you figure out how much you need to earn to make your travel plans work. It’s also worth considering how many hours you can work each week while you’re traveling, and how much flexibility you need in your schedule when looking for online teaching jobs. Different companies will offer different salaries and working hours. Once you’ve chosen your ideal teaching job, you’re ready to go! It’s time to pack your bags and put a big tick next to travel on your new year’s resolutions list. Get started today! So here’s to 2020 â€" the year you traveled the world and made money! Create your free Teach Away account and complete your candidate profile so you can explore our job board and apply for teaching positions around the world.